Aikido is a contemporary martial art founded by Morihei Ueshiba.  The word “Aikido” can be translated as “the way of the harmonious spirit.”  Aikidoka — practitioners of Aikido — train the mind, body, and spirit to resolve conflict through awareness, balance, and connection.

The GRMCA’s Aikido Program — Grand Rapids Aikikai — is committed to maintaining the highest standards of Aikido instruction and training in West Michigan. We are a member dojo of Birankai North America and affiliated with Hombu Dojo, Aikido World Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan.

We offer students a traditional Aikido training experience. Students train regularly in empty hand techniques, defense against armed attackers, multiple person attacks, and weapons training which include bokken (sword), jo (staff), and tanto (knife).

Grand Rapids Aikikai admits students of any ability, national or ethnic origin, religion, race, age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or preference and are committed to supporting all members in meaningful practice.